影视氛围采样包 Composer Loops Cinematic Chillout Ambient Experience Bundle [WAV]帧资源下载-背景音效

  • 资源编号M0768丨34G丨WAV

    影视氛围采样包 Composer Loops Cinematic Chillout Ambient Experience Bundle [WAV]

    Complete EXPERIENCE Bundle with 4 Packs, “Cinematic Ambient Experience Bundle Collection” is the greatest addition to your Movie, Cinematic Ambient and Downtempo/Chillout samples sounds library.Almost 31GB of pure Cinematic, Chillout and Slow Ambiental Music Premium Sounds!

    The Bundle contains all 4 Experience Sample Packs:
    Above: Ambient Experience – 1523 Samples and 8GB
    Ascension: Cinematic Experience – 2117 Samples and 10GB
    Babylon: Chillout Experience – 1804 Samples and 7GB
    Singularity: Cinematic Experience – 2084 Samples and 10GB

    In total, whole collection includes over 7500 samples, cinematic and chill pad files, full ambiental loops, movie and chillout pianos, long risers, atmosphere loops and Lo Fi synths and many more different styles of Movie, Chill and Ambient great sounds.

    Here’s what you can expect in this Bundle ‘Cinematic, Chill and Ambient EXPERIENCE’:
    Full Ambient Drum Loops
    Downtempo Bass Loops
    Piano Samples
    Ambient Pads
    FX Samples
    Atmosphere Loops and Sounds
    Downtempo Lo Fi Synths
    Various Percussion Loops
    Dark Drones
    Vox and Vocals, Choirs

    Get these new Cinematic, Chillout, Ambient Music and Downtempo Samples now! Everything you need to create a great slow track or song.

领域帧资源 » 影视氛围采样包 Composer Loops Cinematic Chillout Ambient Experience Bundle [WAV]帧资源下载-背景音效


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