终极电影制作人FX音效包 789TEN The Ultimate Filmmakers SFX Bundle 帧资源下载-背景音效

  • 资源编号M0790丨1.07G丨WAV

    终极电影制作人FX音效包 789TEN The Ultimate Filmmakers SFX Bundle,1000+ high fidelity sound effects and soundtrack elements. The complete filmmakers collection.

    Here’s what you’ll get with The Ultimate Filmmakers SFX Bundle:
    – Foley Pack V.1
    – Foley Pack V.2
    – Sci Fi Pack
    – Trailer Essentials Pack
    – Instrumental Foundations Pack
    – 8bit Video Game Sound Pack
    – Mood Setters Pack
    The trailer audio bed is made 100% from sounds in the pack.
    Filmmakers, this is the library you’ve been searching for.
    Elevate your production value with the power of sound.
    1000+ sound effects.
    Produced and engineered by world renowned sound designer ReauBeau, a master in the world of sound effects and music for film, TV, Video Games and Advertising, trusted with audio and soundtracks by the likes of:
    Need For Speed Heat, Red Bull, America’s Got Talent, SONY, FIFA20, Volkswagen, NBA, BMG, Oral-B, Mercedes, Universal, and more…
    A one stop shop for the sounds you’ve been needing.
    If you’ve ever felt like your videos are lacking a certain energy at key moments or are just not immersive enough as an experience even though the footage looks on point, the issue most likely stems from the audio. This is where the Ultimate Filmmakers SFX bundle comes in. Building a three dimensional sonic experience in your edit is what takes it to the next level, and that’s why we’re offering 1000+ hi-fidelity sounds used in industry staple ReauBeau’s soundtracks for his most prestigious clients.
    What kind of sounds are in the bundle
    Mood setters, glitches, tension builders, alien robots, swooshes, industrial sci- fi, transitions, monster growls, intros, finishers, big moments, vocal shouts, random, atmospheres and environments, 8bit video game sounds, thin accents, knocky accents, bass heavy accents, snappy accents, twangy accents, punchy accents, clean sub bass, processed sub bass, abrupt orchestral runs, pianos, 8 bit video game sounds.


    And two of ReauBeau’s go to foley libraries, versatile and realistic with 300+ sounds between the two packs.
    Household, sticks, whistles, drills, plastic paper, windchimes, wine glasses, saws, toys, ripping tape, crossfit, thumps, thuds, smacks.
    About the producer:
    With a strong love for music production stemming from his formative years, his passion spurred into the art of conveying ineffable emotions through the delicate craft of sound composition. For his most ambitious undertaking yet, ReauBeau partners with 789ten to bring an essential collection of SFX to filmmakers worldwide that will inject dynamics and emotional impact into your productions.
    Hear a demo of the sounds in the pack (Includes all sounds from the trailer video).
    Compatible with all non-linear editing software applications including Adobe Premiere Pro, Final Cut Pro X, and Davinci Resolve.

    A collection of pristine quality SFX including mood setters, glitches, environments, transitions, alien robots, industrial sci-fi effects, a massive foley library, and much more.

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