房间室内环境噪音脉冲响应立体声+5.1环绕声Avosound Room Tones 帧资源下载-背景音效

  • 资源编号M0526-01丨98.8G丨WAV

    房间室内环境噪音脉冲响应立体声+5.1环绕声Avosound Room Tones 使用Avosound Room Tones Library提供的超过135个房间铃声、46个工业房间铃声以及Altiverb和Avid Space的IR1脉冲响应设置为您的服务器充电。因为:房间的色调无处不在。他们就在这里,在你读到这个网站的时候,他们就在你身后,他们围绕着你——无论何时何地!现在将它们加载到服务器上,并在项目中使用它们。Room Tones捆绑包包含各种各样的房间音调,它们嗡嗡作响,嗡嗡作响,或者只是给人一个房间的特征或印象。使用Avosound Room Tones声音库定义大小、风格或情绪。
    ► 音频房间音包
    135种立体声房间音效和氛围、5.1环绕声和13首11.1 3D声音格式的曲目
    46工业室音调来自Avosound Industrial Soundscapes 5.1环绕声库的音效
    Avosound IR1脉冲响应集,包括54个用于多声道5.1和11.1 3D声音的脉冲响应集
    ► 音频室音频库
    房间的色调无处不在!从Avosound Room Tones声音库访问超过135个房间铃声。创建从立体声、5.1环绕声到杜比大气或Auro-3D®等3D声音格式的房间和空间。阅读更多有关Room Tones声音库的信息
    ► 工业室内色调
    ► Avosound IR1脉冲响应装置
    为杜比Atmos或Auro-3D®11.1创建真正的环绕声和3D声音,使用Avosound的多通道脉冲响应,与Altiverb和TL Space兼容。使用IR1脉冲响应集,您有超过54个脉冲响应集,其中42个用于Auro-3D®11.1或杜比大气声音。

    Charge your server with more than 135 Room Tones from the Avosound Room Tones Library, 46 Industrial Room Tones and the IR1 Impulse Response Set for Altiverb and Avid Space. Because: Room Tones are everywhere. They are right here, wenn your read this site, they are behind you, they surround you – always and everywhere! Load them now on your server and use them in your project. The Room Tones Bundle contains a wide variety of room tones, they are humming, buzzing or just give a character or an impression of a room. Define size, style or a mood with the Avosound Room Tones Sound Library.

    ► Avosound Room Tones Bundle
        135 Room Tones Sound Effects And Atmospheres in Stereo, 5.1 Surround Sound And 13 Tracks in 11.1 3D Sound Format
        46 Industrial Room Tones Sound Effects from the Avosound Industrial Soundscapes 5.1 Surround Sound Library
        Avosound IR1 Impulse Response Set including 54 Impulse Response Set for multichannel 5.1 and 11.1 3D Sound
        High Definition 24 Bit / 96 kHz

    ► Avosound Room Tones Sound Library
    Room tones are everywhere! Get access to more than 135 Room Tones from the Avosound Room Tones Sound Library. Create rooms and spaces from stereo, 5.1 surround sound up to the 3D sound formats like Dolby Atmos or Auro-3D®. Read more about the Room Tones Sound Library

    ► Industrial Room Tones
    Extend your room tones collection with the room tones form the massive Industrial Soundscapes Library. They are packed in the Industrial Room Tones Library and contain 46 industrial room tones.

    ► Avosound IR1 Impulse Response Set
    Create true surround and 3D sound for Dolby Atmos or Auro-3D® 11.1 with the multi-channel impulse responses from Avosound – compatible to Altiverb and TL Space. Using the IR1 Impulse Response Set, you have over 54 sets with impulse responses, including 42 for Auro-3D® 11.1 or Dolby Atmos sound.


领域帧资源 » 房间室内环境噪音脉冲响应立体声+5.1环绕声Avosound Room Tones 帧资源下载-背景音效


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